No matter the cause, we always take 5% Campaigns by Joseph Stilwell

This Fan Artist Has Been Drawing Incredible DuckTales Porn for Years. Help Make It His Career
982 backers
$26,507 raised of $50,000

Help Connor Start His Own Brewery! Also Please Stop Mentioning His Posts on r/MensRights
1,244 backers
$24,090 raised of $100,000

Help Me Fight This Court Order Saying I, an Adult Man, Can’t Use the Ball Pit at Chuck E. Cheese
843 backers
$14,077 raised of $30,000

Help! My Mom Sent Me to the Store for Milk and Now She Wants Change!
3 backers
$7.14 raised of $16.52

I Just Think That Dousing $10,000 in Gasoline and Setting It on Fire Would Look Hella Cool
111 backers
$1,892 raised of $10,000