Hermey has been a loyal elf to Santa for over 10 years. But despite working at the most joyous place on Earth where dreams come true, Hermey has never had a chance to fulfill his own wish—becoming a board-certified dentist. That’s why the rest of us elves decided to put together this fundraiser for him so that he can finally go to school and get his dental license!

For years, Hermey has had to put up with an abusive boss, long hours, and hefty quotas, being only paid in Christmas Cheer. Unfortunately, a decade’s worth of Christmas Cheer savings is not accepted by any accredited dental school in the world. Our economy is pretty poor up here in the North Pole, and this financial setback has hindered any attempts of Hermey’s to begin his education.

We also could really use a dentist up here since everyone’s diet consists exclusively of candy canes and gumdrops.

All of us at Santa’s Workshop understand that you only have so much to give this holiday season, but we hope that you can give just a little bit more to an elf that has touched all of our hearts. Hermey is overjoyed that we created this fundraiser for him and has started applying to schools with the hope to begin his training this fall. Let’s make his Christmas wish come true!