Shit guys, I really fucked up here. I was watching my boy, Travis FaZe’s latest vlog on Youtube and got a bit too hype.

You probably saw it already cuz it was fucking hilarious, but basically this happened during the Trav Squad vlog where he pranks his girlfriend by locking her in the bathroom with a live alligator. What a fucking hero! Unfortunately, when he said that he’d get his girlfriend’s family to disown her for his next prank if the video reached 500,000 likes, it had me way too excited.

I just got wild for some reason when I heard it and slammed my entire fist on that tiny like button in the corner just to make sure that I hit it properly. I know that was pretty stupid of me, but I really wanted to see him pull off the prank.

Now my hand is bleeding, my phone is completely annihilated, and my mom won’t buy me another one until my birthday which is like, fucking years away. Basically, I just need a few hundos to replace this, so SMASH that donate button if you’d like to see me get a new phone! (Not literally please.)

Also, if you all could DM this fundraiser to Travis that would be pretty tight. I’m hoping he’ll be a homeboy and just buy me a new phone for being such an awesome fan and maybe finally give me a Twitter shoutout. If you’re reading this Trav, I want you to know that I fucking love family disownment pranks.