Hey guys! I just got a great idea. You know that mountainous part in China where Buddhism is really big and stuff? It’s actually this really neat place called Tibet that’s apparently been under the iron fist of the Chinese Communist Party for over 60 years. We should really do something about that.

That’s why I decided to muster up the courage to create this online fundraiser to liberate the Tibetan people, despite what the Chinese government might do to me if they find it. Fuck it! I’m going all in, baby! If we can just raise $500 million, we’ll probably have enough money to improve the lives of the local Tibetans and kick the Chinese out for good. If you’re with me, pledge at least $10 or so to show Tibet that you care too.

I first came up with the idea of raising a half a billion dollars to help end the political turmoil after watching a documentary in my YouTube recommended. It completely changed my perspective on what’s going on with the people of Tibet and made me want to help in any way I can. Unfortunately, I’m pretty busy with work right now and my Saturdays are completely booked, so this plan is the only thing that can really fit in my schedule. Same thing probably goes for you if you’re reading this, so just know that I’m looking out for my fellow donors as well as the Tibetans. 

The only challenge I foresee with this fundraiser is figuring out what to actually do with the $500 million after I raise it. I’m thinking of maybe splitting the money like such:

– Donating to already established Free Tibet groups that work daily to bring international awareness to the region

– Buying a fuck-ton of artillery and ammunition so that every Tibetan can fight back. 

Maybe if we exceed our target goal, we can just buy Tibet off of China and not even have to deal with the headache!

So screw it, let’s stop wasting our lives and pretending like we care and just pool all our money together to fix this thing. I honestly think that we can pull it off. We just gotta believe. I was going to post this about a week ago but forgot. No worries though. Better not to be in a rush as the Buddhists there say. Oh, and also it would be sick as fuck if we got the Dalai Lama to donate to this, so please share!