How many times has this happened to you? You’ve just finished ejaculating into your plastic, novelty vagina and, on the way to go rinse off in the dead of night, you roll your ankle on the loose ballgag you forgot to pick up earlier and crash headlong into your exotic lubes cabinet. It’s a story as old as time itself. But imagine if that same sex cylinder you just blasted jizz into was also it’s own self-sustained light source!

Well my fellow potential backers, that dream can be a reality. No longer will we have to struggle with errant sex toys in the dark because we spent our electricity bill money on new testicle clamps. With my new “fleshlight light making device” idea, we can enjoy our perversions in complete brightness. As far as I know, this is the only portable light-making device of its kind, so by pledging your support now, you’ll be part of the upcoming revolution of people having light-up fleshlights wherever they go.

I first came up with this idea right after a pleasantly fruitful wank sesh when I noticed that the orifice of the fleshlight was the perfect place to have a soft, glowing aura emanating from. Now I haven’t quite figured out how exactly the light will be generated just yet, but I’ve learned from some of my preliminary experiments that cramming a bunch of matchsticks up there doesn’t work. Likewise with loose string light bulbs, in addition to the issue of the emergency room bills they always incur. However, that’s the cost of progress, and if a penis full of glass slivers is the price to pay for sexual illumination, I’m more than willing to pay it as long as you call me “Daddy.” 

So donate today, and together, we can bring fleshlight technology into the candle age! Let’s create the world’s first orgasmic, one-handed light source, keeping our other hands free for… well that’s up to you.