We all had that early sexual awakening moment watching Anthony Daniels struggle to move in that tight C-3PO outfit as he called people “Master”. As we matured, we dreamed of one day getting ignored and disrespected in the same way that C-3PO did. When this project reaches its fundraising goal, every die-hard Star Wars fan is going to be able to live out that fantasy.

Like the original C-3PO outfit, this bondage suit will be full-bodied with a binding, making it difficult to move one’s arms and legs. The bondage suit is also made out of breathable materials so one won’t pass out from rough sexual play, or from wandering the desert.

Droid fantasies to act out in the suit:

– Calling your partner “Master”
– Receiving an oil bath
– Getting dommed as you’re sold off, told to shut up, and treated like an object
– Piggybacking on your hairy man
-Getting pushed around by six people inside of a rubber sack pretending to be Jabba the Hutt
– Shut off mode
– If you’re a switch, your partner can be an ewok and worship you like the Golden God you are

Funding for this will cover product costs and any licensing fees. Stretch goals will include special edition gimp suits such as one with a red arm, or the silver plating from Attack of the Clones.

Top donors will receive a free addition of my previous product, the Exogorth strap-on.