Hi everyone! I have some exciting news to share. After nearly 20 years without any contact, my father and I have finally reconnected! He reached out to me over Facebook last night and we’ve been hitting it off like he never left.

For as long as I can remember, my mother has told me that my dad abandoned our family to get hitched with some stripper on the opposite side of the country. In my heart I knew this wasn’t true. I had always
felt that I wasn’t getting the full picture, and that there must have been a good reason why he left. When I told this to my therapist, she said that I was suppressing my true feelings in an attempt to cope with my abandonment issues. She’s going to feel really dumb next time we meet, because my dad just explained to me what actually happened.

He told me all about how he was recruited by the CIA to join a secret organization of crime-fighters stationed in Las Vegas. He explained how he had no choice in the matter, and that he was forced to cut all ties with our family. He said this is why he was never able to send us child support checks. Everything makes so much sense now!

He only needs $2000 to make it back to us. He would pay it himself, but all his money is in an account that’s temporarily being held by the CIA for security purposes. For some reason he said it needs to be in cash and needs to be sent to what seems to be a motel. He also requested a bottle filled with drug-free urine, but I can provide that myself. I won’t question it because I really want to see him!

Please help me get him back home. I already started planning a surprise party for his return and invited almost everyone I know. I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s face when he gives me a big hug and tells me how much he loves me.