I’m reaching a breaking point here. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for eight months and he still hasn’t said that he loves me. I’ve tried everything. He said recently that he can’t afford to buy Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and asked if I could get it for him, which I know must be his way of telling me that he trusts me to buy the right video game. Love needs trust, right?

None of my tactics to get him to admit the feelings that he must definitely have by now are working. I always bring him breakfast in bed, do his laundry, and cook him lasish dinners. I even wake up early to put on mascara, in hopes that he’ll say: “Wow, you have such pretty eyes. Abby, I… I love your eyes. And I love you. So much. I haven’t told you because I’m scared because I’ve been hurt. But I just can’t hold in my feelings any longer. I’m bursting at the seams with love for you,” (or something like that. I haven’t really thought about it.) He usually just asks for a handjob instead, but almost cumming counts as a gesture of love, right? If I buy him the new Assassin’s Creed, maybe he will tell me that he loves me and maybe I will see myself as good enough for the first time in eight months.

The game is going to cost $60.00 and I’m strapped this month because of how much money I spent on surprise coffee runs, dinner dates, and his car insurance. I am so close to getting him to say it! Like, whenever I tell him that I really like him, he almost always says “same”. He just needs a little push, that you can make happen! If you donate a little bit more so that I can add in a new controller, maybe he’ll stop bringing up his ex-girlfriend.

I hope that with your donation, my boyfriend will realize how special I am and give me all of the love that my dad never did.