Early this morning, my wife and I received a video message confirming our missing daughter, Casey, has in fact been kidnapped. After forcing her to say into the camera that she was alive and unharmed, the masked men made their ransom demands. Our family begs for your help in raising the $10,000 needed for her safe return, although in all honesty, we’re getting a pretty good deal here.

I don’t have any experience with such things, but I’ve heard stories of kidnappings where they demand six or even seven figures. I love my daughter, but asking such a price for a plain teenage girl like her would’ve been excessive. That’s why I’m delighted these unidentified assailants are being so economical with their threats.

Look, Casey is great. She doesn’t get into much trouble, does her homework, and she’s really trying to get better at the clarinet. That being said, purely from a monetary standpoint, she doesn’t have any intrinsic qualities worth possessing. It’s honestly a bit surprising that she was targeted at all, and luckily I believe her abductors have arrived at the same conclusion.

Frankly, it would have been relatively easy to meet the ransom ourselves, but my wife suggested making this crowdfunding effort to get the community involved. It’s really a win-win for us since we’ll pay less out of pocket and earn some goodwill with our neighborhood. Oh yes, and you’ll ensure our dear, sweet Casey will come home to us.

The last few days have been heartbreaking for our family, and once again I implore you to aid us in the safe return of our beloved daughter. We must have faith that the kidnappers will honor their agreement, and if they do, I invite the possibility of working with them again through more traditional business channels.