Hey, I was just talking to my buddy Dave about this. Wouldn’t it be great if I got this 6 foot bong that I saw at this head shop when I was out getting CBD for my dad? Like obviously I would never just buy that to get high, my regular bubbler works fine. Also I’d never drop that kind of money on one of those, not on a pizza delivery salary, but it’d be SO funny if I did, right?

And that’s why I need your help. Now obviously if I were to just buy this myself with my own hard-earned cash, I’d be some kind of irresponsible jackass, right? That’s where you come in. Don’t feel pressured to contribute though. This is sort of just an elaborate bit where I try to see if I can get enough people to donate, all for this huge piece to rip fat bingers, and avoid financial consequences myself lol.

Other beneficial aspects of having a six foot kush furnace in the living room:

– So large it would be hard for it to get stolen.
– Great for parties, kind of sad otherwise, but still great for parties.
– Ultimately save money on weed by blasting off to outer fuckin space every time you take a rip.

Again, if you don’t support this, I don’t really care. I don’t even really want the bong that bad. It would be really impractical to store in this five-roommate household. Also my PO said that if I fail another drug test, I’ll get another 30 days back in.

But how funny would it be? People would come over and they’d be like “Holy shit, is that a fucking bong?” We’d just be like “Haha yeah, we bring that out now and then.” That’d be great.