Am I the only person who turns the lights off in this house? Seriously, if I had a nickel for every time one of you kids left the lights on, I’d be a millionaire! Every time I walk into the room, the lights are on. Day or night. No one’s ever in the room. How many times do I have to tell you all to turn off the goddamn lights when you leave the room?

Last month’s electric bill was $112! I don’t enjoy pissing that kind of money away. I could’ve taken your mother out for a nice dinner at Red Lobster and still have had beer money left over.

Do you think that your parents are made out of money? We have a mortgage to pay. We’ll be lucky to have enough savings to send you all to a state college. We sure as hell don’t have lights-on-at-noon money!

When I was young, electricity was a privilege, not a right. But you kids think you can use all the electricity that you want, with your Tik Toks and your Fortnites. All I had for entertainment was a Hardy Boys book to read by the light of the streetlamp. And I was grateful for it!

If I walk into an empty room with the lights on one more time, that’s it! I’m taking the lightbulbs away for one week! Don’t think I’m joking!