We all make mistakes. Some mistakes are big, some mistakes are small, and some mistakes are stuck on your forearm forever. For many of us, Harry Potter defined our youth. A few of us however took things too far. As a loyal Hufflepuff, I thought that this would be the best way to commemorate the series that was more important to me than anything during my awkward young adult years. 6 years later though, as someone who pays rent, I realize that a Deathly Hallows tattoo was a big mistake. Can you guys help me get rid of this damned thing?

Harry Potter was my first love. I bought all the merch, read the books 15 times, and wrote some very good (hot) fanfiction. But we all have to grow up sometimes. When I first got this tattoo, I was the cool kid of the crew. My friends were jealous and I felt edgy and dangerous, like a Professor Lupin/Sirius Black love child. Now, I’m just walking around basically advertising that I spent my 10,000 hours learning made up words and eating disgusting jelly beans.

I’m too old for this stuff. Wands and magical-boarding-school crushes are not something a college graduate needs to be known for. I can’t go to bookstores without feeling eyes of judgement wandering to this hideous reminder of the rebellious, obnoxious teen I used to be. I’m constantly embarrassed. I can’t go on dates in short sleeves because this tattoo screams “HARRY POTTER IS MY WHOLE PERSONALITY.” What if throughout my entire 20s people just think I’m some junior in high school who is way too invested in escapism? Oh God, what if… someone recognizes me from the old fanfiction boards!? HELP GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!