The other day I was sitting around, letting the cool water of the bidet run onto my backside when a brilliant thought popped into my head! What about a bidet that isn’t only for your butt? What if there was one that you can wash your dirty hands with as well?

Anyone who has used a bidet knows how well the idea works. It’s a far superior and more modern method of cleaning compared to plain toilet paper. Now imagine if you had a bowl that sprayed water directly on to your hands and collected water into some sort of basin with a drain. Well, you’re in luck because the future is now.

I know what you’re going to say. Why don’t you just wash your hands in the bidet you already have? The answer is I’ve been doing that for years, and I have one word: ergonomics. Bending over that far to spray your hands with water from the toilet is bad for your spine. I’m young and strong, and I have thrown out my back twice washing my hands in the shitter. I’m trying to look out for the elderly.  Having something at a waist level will be a godsend to the millions of filthy-handed seniors.

This is going to be huge, so get in now. I think of all those restaurants I worked in that lacked a hand bidet and how much it would have helped us cooks keep our fingers sanitary. Imagine how much time will be saved when workers won’t have to wash their hands in the toilet bowl anymore. And that’s just the beginning. I’m thinking big, like hospitals. A doctor after pulling out a spleen will now be able to disinfect his hands properly before carefully delivering a newborn child.

I have mocked up a few prototypes, such as a toilet bidet that sits on a bucket, and have been placing them in bathrooms over that weird spitoon thing that is for some reason still around. (Talk about a remnant from that past!) The results have been undeniably successful. I feel like finally, my hands are as clean as my butt.

With your backing, we can make this happen. We single-handedly can spray our way into a cleaner, healthier future.