I really had the perfect childhood. My parents took me on the coolest vacations, we had a sweet minivan with a built-in T.V., and I always ate delicious home-cooked cookies. I can’t even begin to comprehend all that my parents did for me, sacrificed for me. But nothing in life is free, apparently, as now my parents have presented me with an itemized receipt of my entire childhood. 

They were great parents though, and I’m not just saying that to kiss up to them because I don’t think that I’ll raise enough money here. They gave me a real A+ childhood, but unfortunately that has left me with an insurmountable load of debt. So I’d really appreciate any help I can get in reimbursing my very gracious and generous support system. 

I know that I have to take some blame for this. When they said that I’d pay my part of the Disney trip later, I assumed that it was one of dad’s jokes. When they said that every cookie and soda they gave me would “go on my tab,” I chuckled.  But those things apparently came at hotel minibar prices. And yeah, I just signed any documents they gave me. Like, it seemed like they did it all out of love and I truly believe they did, but love always has a price. Thanks for the lesson on life, mom and dad!

So please give if you can. My parents were nice and gave me an O.K. interest rate but said that they will soon be forced to foreclose on my apartment if I can’t meet our arranged payment plan. They even put a billboard outside of my window to remind me about my financial obligations to them everytime I wake up!

Every dollar you give will go toward paying my parents off and getting debt free. Well, parental debt free. I still have that liberal arts degree to pay off.