Hey moooom…. don’t be mad… I know it’s late… you remember how you said you love me no matter what? Well… I just remembered I have a project due tomorrow first thing in the morning. We are making dinosaur dioramas and- please dont be mad… I uh… need supplies. Don’t worry, it isn’t a lot. I just need some glue, markers, an LED light strip, pipe cleaners, and a bunch of toy dinosaurs.

I know it’s my bedtime, but Walgreens is open until 9:30 so if we go now then we can still make it! It should only be like $20, but please don’t make me pay for this out of my allowance. I am so close to being able to buy the LEGO Hogwarts and I know this came out of nowhere, but this project is just a little hiccup. I will make my bed tomorrow if you do this for me. 

If we go now, you can pull this off. If I were the mom and you were the kid, I would do this for you. Please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad!