As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on all of us, especially those who work in the field of entertainment. No one was hit harder than Charles Entertainment Cheese, also known as Chuck E. Cheese. Since early 2020, Chuck E. Cheese has been struggling to make ends meet with the closure of many store locations, but when the company declared chapter 11 bankruptcy in June, things took a toll for the worse. Here’s the situation:

Our beloved Chuck E. Cheese, the poster-mouse of his namesake Company and former lead member of Munch’s Make Believe Band, has reportedly eaten nothing but pizza for the last seven months while locking himself in his personal ball pit for days at a time. He has had to sell all of his tickets to pay for food and has not performed at a single birthday party since the lockdown. Many close friends claim that his tragic backstory of growing up in an orphanage and never knowing or celebrating his own birthday has manifested itself into multiple mental health disorders and even a rumored heroin addiction. Several animatronic cast members have confirmed these statements but have requested to remain anonymous.

Recently, the state has repossessed his mansion, complete with personal video arcade and play tubes as well as his collection of vintage Chuck E. Cheese brass tokens. This forced Chuck to move back into the orphanage he grew up in, an environment that has proven to be triggering to his mental state. Since then, he has checked himself into a local crisis center and is currently on suicide watch. Those who have visited him say that he’s been singing “Happy Birthday” to himself in the mirror constantly and hasn’t slept in weeks.

Please consider donating to this campaign. I know that if we can help Chuck get back on his feet, he’ll be putting smiles on delightful children’s faces in no time. We’re trying to raise $50,000 for medical bills, funds for a stay at a rehab clinic, a deposit on a new apartment, and a new electric fun car from behind the prize counter. It’s the least we can do for the mouse that gave us the best parties we can remember.