First of all, thank you. To my friends, who have listened to me complain over and over again how Sean sucks, I appreciate your patience. 

I know that I keep on saying that I’m going to break it off, but he always ends up doing something nice. Like, last week when I was excited to show off my new floral dress he said that it made me look “way less fat.” He notices the small things!

I know that the signs are there that this is a bad relationship, but I just need your help in giving me more reasons why I should break up with him. I mean, aren’t all relationships complicated? I know that I have my flaws—Sean tells me about them every single day.

Yesterday I got mad at him for showing up at my place at midnight, drunk and starting an argument about why I heart-emoji’d a guy friend’s profile pic on Facebook after 10 p.m. It was the anniversary of his passing and all of my other friends who were missing him had done the same, but still, why do I always have to be such a flirt? 

And he only calls me names when I deserve it, like not returning his texts within five minutes, picking a parking spot that he doesn’t like, or when I ask him to give me what I need to feel emotionally safe in a relationship. Plus, I guess I was being really needy and irrational when I brought up how I’d prefer that he didn’t ghost me for a week straight—Sean’s right, I’m just kinda clingy.

I know that I keep telling everyone how unhappy I am, but I need to hear from you to give me the red flags that prove that this is a bad relationship that I should get out of.

And it’s hard, because he’s recently become so much more expressive with his feelings. Yesterday was the first time that I heard him say “I love you” without accidentally calling me by his ex-girlfriend’s name. After all, they only broke up two-and-a-half years ago so it’s pretty fresh.


Wow! Didn’t expect this to get so much attention from everyone, but you all saw more red flags than I even thought possible. Some examples include:

– Two weeks ago, I told my friend that I can’t have a semi-deep conversation with him unless we’re both wasted, which apparently isn’t normal? I thought that my mood swings were from my birth control, but it turns out that they go away when you aren’t getting drunk with your significant other every day.

– Starting on Thursday night, he sorta just stopped answering his cell phone for four days. But he said that was because he had a cold. Someone said that if her man did that to her that she’d dump him, but I feel like he had valid reasons.

– My birthday was yesterday and the most he got me was a Cheesecake factory discount card from his mom. I kinda knew that one was messed up. Mostly because I fucking hate the Cheesecake factory.

Anyway, I swear to you that I will pull the plug on this relationship. His birthday is coming up so this week probably won’t be a good time. And our anniversary is next month so maybe not then. But definitely before next Valentine’s Day. I’ll keep you posted!