With graduation coming up, I’m going to jump right into this because honestly it’s a really great idea and I can’t believe I thought of it by myself. So, like most high school juniors and seniors right now, my parents are putting the pressure on me to consider a viable career path—I know, it’s boring, right?
Anyway I was thinking, you know those YouTube and Twitch channels with like hundreds of thousands of views? What if I just did that? I mean, I’m not really THAT into playing video games to be honest and I definitely have no formal training in graphic design, production, comedy, writing or editing—but I’ve watched an ASS LOAD of playthroughs and everything that I say during them is original and hilarious af. You won’t regret donating to supporting me as I grow my channel once you see how skilled I am at Resident Evil 3.
If you don’t believe me, my girlfriend can easily attest that I’m the funniest guy in the world and she’s just a freshman, so what does she have to gain? Besides, isn’t that my target base? Freshmen or middle school age or something? I bet I can scare at least fifty ninth graders into pressing follow to get started and I figure wham, buy a couple of thousand more through an app or whatever, hire a producer and a legal team (‘cause lol I am definitely stealing content from lesser known artists) and dude, I’m frickin’ set!
Part of me still wants to go to college to like, get drunk and score or whatever but considering that the AWESOME prank the football team pulled ended up resulting in the death of the vice principal’s dog, it’s finally time to get creative. Oh yeah dude, and if this video game thing doesn’t work out, a prank show would definitely be dope.