
How many times has this happened to you: you’re making yourself a bagel. You cut it in half, toast it just right, add your desired topping. Maybe a cream cheese spread, maybe a layer of lox, or maybe some freshly sliced avocado. You take your first bite and enjoy the bagel, savoring every bite you take. But then when you finish the last of your round bread treat, you find yourself still hungry. So now what? Do it all again? But you know you shouldn’t have a whole second bagel. That would be too much, right? And what are you gonna do, just have half of a bagel? We both know you don’t have that kind of self control. Well what if you didn’t have to be in this position? What if one bagel was enough for you? I’ll explain.

Introducing Bagels But Bigger. They’re like bagels, but they’re bigger than all of the other bagels you’ve had in your life. With Bagels But Bigger, you can eat more, and not feel bad after having had two bagels. This is because our Bagels But Bigger are 1.2 times bigger than your average bagel. 

You might be wondering: well are they taller? Wider? Thicker? The answer to all of those, is a resounding yes! With Bagels But Bigger we take the bagels we once knew and increase all of their dimensions so that after you eat one, you’re not hungry enough to want to still eat a second one. That’s because our bagels are 1.5 times the size of your standard bagel.

Look, I wouldn’t be asking for money if this wasn’t a cause I believe in. I’ve been there before. I want to prevent people from making the same mistakes that I did. Just today, I had two bagels at breakfast. Two! It was too much! Then, later in the day when a friend of mine asked what I had for breakfast, I had to lie and say “a bagel” when in reality it was two bagels. This whole ordeal could’ve been avoided if I was able to have one bagel that was twice the size of the bagel I did have.

“But I think bagels are good just the way they are! I don’t need them to be bigger!” O.K. then, just eat half of a Bagel But Bigger. Then you’ll be able to say you only had half of a bagel. And there’s no need to worry about feeling hungry later on, because that half a bagel will be four times the size of the half a bagel you’d normally have.

So donate today, and enjoy your breakfast, lunch, or even dinner, with a bagel that’s five times as big as the sad excuse for a bagel that you’ve become accustomed to. Fill the hole in your life with Bagels But Bigger.