Hey everyone! Hope you all are having a fabulous day! After seven laugh-filled months, the town’s beloved improv troupe, The Shelly Shakers, is searching for a new home after the bar where we were doing our bi-weekly shows closed down for multiple health code violations. 

We loved doing our Harold Nights for the locals who were willing/drunk enough to put up with our wacky antics, and our special place at Crusty Mike’s Taproom will surely be missed. But we see this as an opportunity to grow our humble little performance group while also putting the “fun” back into fundraising!

Here’s our master plan: we’re looking to lease and renovate the former Chinese buffet place at the strip mall on Main Street into a fully-fledged improv theater! The location is perfect, and we want to be able to give the room that Shelly Shaker charm with cushioned seats, rigged lighting, and most importantly, a liquor license—because we realized this is what will keep our sanity as well as the audience’s in check. If we don’t meet our fundraising goal, we’ll settle with renting out the back room of the local community center monthly and make our shows BYOB.

So pledge your contribution and help us become the next big improv capital of the tri-county area. If you donate $50 or more, we’ll give you a 10% discount on all our far in the future classes. (We say this because our best improviser who teaches them moved to New York recently, and we don’t know when he’s coming back.)