Hello, humans. My name is 101010111100, but you are statistically more likely to recognize my identity by my commonly used human identifier: Red Boxing Robot.
The financial requirements of medical repairs in this geographic region cost far more than I compute as reasonable. I also do not qualify for what the human mechanic calls “insurance” because my lifestyle highly elevates the likelihood that my head will be punched off my body on a semi-consistent basis. I have had my claim requests denied by Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, and State Farm Auto. Therefore, I am requesting multiple human dollars to help me with this core repair, which I must refer to what you organisms of flesh and bones call a “neck surgery” to meet this crowdfunding website’s guidelines
I will now provide context designed to explain my interior and exterior damages while also inspiring the human empathy needed to make you give me the desired monetary amount. In my last bout with my counterpart and exact physical equal, Blue Boxing Robot, I was hit by a powerful uppercut which dislodged the iron bolts in my head unit, sending it careening upwards from my mechanical body. The moment was extremely painful, even though I have suffered this injury exactly 40,576 times during my career.
I am now stuck in this position and cannot fight Blue Robot again until my head is cranked back down into my torso. I was built to fight Blue Robot repeatedly until long after humanity ends around us. If I cannot fight Blue Robot, then I have failed the sole purpose for which I was built, making me nothing more than a hunk of scrap metal, lost and alone in a cold dark void of nothingness. Plus, Blue Robot is what you humans would call an “asshole”.