So I really want to create something cool and groundbreaking for the D&D community, but I just haven’t figured out what yet. Maybe custom miniatures or like a terrain map. I don’t know, but it is going to be awesome and you are definitely going to want to be one of the first to back this innovative, new idea.
Maybe, like, personalized shirts with your race and class? People eat that shit up. Or shirts with jokes like “Bards Do It to Music” or whatever. What about a combo beer stein/character sheet? Or I could compose an adventurous soundtrack that people can download, but I don’t know how to compose music or play an instrument.
I mean I could write campaigns, or maybe I’ll create a whole new system that the world has never seen before. That sounds like a lot of math, but I can cross that bridge when I come to it. The question is, should it take place in a futuristic dystopia or a wartorn past? Maybe both! There will definitely be women in warrior corsets with massive cleavage.
Oh custom dice! I can just repaint some old dice and make them look mystical or whatever. And while I’m at it, I’ll create a DM screen that is like, ornate, I guess. This is going to be a game-changer once I figure it out. As you can see, I have a wide array of ideas that are pretty much complete in my head. All I need now is your contribution so that I can get the motivation to start working on them.
It’s too bad that I’ve never played D&D or this might be easier.